Johannes Mashele
Software developer

1. Where did you find out about the company?

"I found about the company through a colleague who works for the company, and I further researched about the company online. "

2. What did you do during the internship?

"During the Internship I learned practical skills about the software that the company uses and also done some online courses to help me understand more about how the company incorporates IT with banking."

3. What did you like the most about your internship?

"I liked that the company gave me time to learn and exposure to the IT and banking environment. There was always support and online help whenever I needed it."

4. What useful knowledge and skills did you acquire during the internship?

"I acquired practical skills about SQL and Linux and now have more knowledge about the IT and banking industry."

5. What are you doing at the company now? What are your next goals?

"I am now reading and updating a documentation for an upcoming project, as well as doing Basic Courses on the company portal. My next goals are to use the skills I have learned on a real project and grow in the company as functional consultant."

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