Streamline the process of loan origination and decrease time for decision making and loan disbursement.
The bank completely streamlined the lending process migrating from a proprietary monolithic system to a scalable microservices platform, and significantly reduced end-to-end process time to less than 30 seconds.
Business value
Full automation of decision making and loan disbursement process for targeted and non-targeted consumer loans, credit cards and loan refinancing. At the same time, the new platform allows the Bank to quickly introduce new products and test business hypotheses.
Tech Stack
Java, Spring boot, ELK, Gitlab, Zipkin, SonarQube, Prometheus, Grafana, Zabbix, OpenShift, IBM API Connect
Streamline the process of loan origination and decrease time for decision making and loan disbursement.
The bank completely streamlined the lending process migrating from a proprietary monolithic system to a scalable microservices platform, and significantly reduced end-to-end process time to less than 30 seconds.
Business value
Full automation of decision making and loan disbursement process for targeted and non-targeted consumer loans, credit cards and loan refinancing. At the same time, the new platform allows the Bank to quickly introduce new products and test business hypotheses.
Tech Stack
Java, Spring boot, ELK, Gitlab, Zipkin, SonarQube, Prometheus, Grafana, Zabbix, OpenShift, IBM API Connect