Microservice Architecture Platform
Build a secure, fault-tolerant Kubernetes ecosystem for developing and running microservice applications. Increased efficiency, improve agility, greater flexibility and the unlocking of new value for your business.

Microservice Architecture Platform
Build a secure, fault-tolerant Kubernetes ecosystem for developing and running microservice applications. Increased efficiency, improve agility, greater flexibility and the unlocking of new value for your business.

Microservice Architecture Plarform
NoOps all-in-one development and operation platform
Release Management
Infra Manager
Central Auth
Service Mesh
Cluster Manager
Logging & Monitoring
Cloud Manager
Central Auth
Service Mesh
Logging & Monitoring
Release Management
Infra Manager
Cloud Manager
Cluster Manager
NoOps all-in-one development and operation platform
  • Quick start of development with an integrated set of software platforms and components
  • Deliver new functionality at high speed by automating processes at all stages of application development and delivery
  • Create high-quality apps by automating project task management and control processes at each stage of development
  • Build scalable and fault-tolerant apps using deployment patterns for infrastructure components in a fault-tolerant topology
  • Ensure high application availability by monitoring all application components through a single window and a user-friendly interface for operations, auditing, monitoring and logging of operated microservices
  • Ensure readiness in cloud infrastructure
Automate the process of developing, implementing, testing and managing your microservices
Modular CI/CD
Manage the lifecycle applications with acontinuous integration and delivery management system
Web UI
Enjoy the convenience of using a single interface for all operations
Include a set of ready-made
cloud providers
Use templates for applications, microservices, infrastructure elements, and pipelines
Setting up the infrastructure

Use out-of-the-box configurations for fast and automated deployment of K8S clusters

Use the advanced marketplace with
the ability to add your own patterns

Create a K8S Cluster

Logging & Monitoring
Ensure that all your applications and microservices are fully monitored
Microservice Architecture Cloud
Displays the usage history of instances
Provides automatic resource management
Includes a set of ready-made Cloud providers

Synergy of Agile & DevOps

  • Time to market

    Microservice Architecture Platform helps reduce time-to-market for products by allowing you to test ideas in real time and get fast feedback

  • Fault-tolerant infrastructure
    Using the Microservice Architecture Platform reduces the risks of service unavailability due to hardware failures of servers and other equipment
  • Process typing

    Microservice Architecture Platform implements a standardized workflow across all teams, which can be adapted to remote work

  • Development transparency

    With Microservice Architecture Platform, you will always know what state the project is in, what tasks have been completed, and whether the software is ready for release

  • Significant increase in software quality

    Thanks to the automation of manual actions and the introduction of various types of testing, the Microservice Architecture Platform will provide a noticeable increase in software quality

  • Decrease in number

    errors in the code

    Using the Microservice Architecture Platform will reduce the number of errors detected in the code, and will allow for quickly fixes



from the installation of the K8S cluster
to the start of development
K8S Cluster Lifecycle Management

The MSA platform installs any Kubernetes clusters in both offline and online modes, and provides tools for managing their lifecycle, such as updating, adding worker-nodes and deleting clusters.

  • Use out-of-the-box configurations to automate the deployment of Kubernetes container orchestration clusters

  • Maintain the lifecycle of K8S clusters through an easy-to-use Web UI

Case Studies

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